bentonit for foundries

Bentonites are clay rocks with a predominant mineral content of montmorillonite (smectite), which were formed by weathering of volcanic rocks, while the process of bentonitization took place mostly in an alkaline environment. Montmorillonite (smectite) gives the clay advantageous rheological and sorption properties.

Bentonite deposits were formed by the transformation of andesite and rhyolite volcanism products. The method of formation affects the qualitative parameters of individual types of bentonites

Use of bentonites

• in the foundry – for the preparation of foundry molding mixtures for castings of gray cast iron and non-ferrous metals

• in metallurgy as a binder for pelletizing and briquetting ores

• in ecological buildings as a mineral seal

• in agriculture (carrier and emulsifier of pesticides and growth stimulators, binder of granular feeds and seeds, amelioration of light sandy soils, powdering of highly hygroscopic artificial fertilizers, production of concentrated suspension fertilizers,…)

• in electrical engineering as an excellent earthing switch to improve soil conductivity (eg when earthing gas pipes)

• in construction (underground constructions, drilling equipment, grouting, sealing of shaft walls, construction of wells, foundation of buildings, preparation of waterproof concrete, asphalt filler,…)

• in addition to the mentioned applications, bentonite has a multi-purpose use in several other industries (chemical, wine, distillery, dyeing, paper, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, vinegar, ceramic, enamel industry,…)